Thursday, 4 December 2008

‘Tis the season to be generous…

So, as is the nature with any charity based activity, the time has come for me throw my shame aside and start asking for sponsorship. Although I have a more sophisticated fundraising plan which includes organised events (suggestions please!) and raising awareness, I’m not above some good old fashioned begging! If you need a bit of convincing then read on to find out WHY you’d be doing a good thing by sponsoring my trip:

1)Charity starts at home...

Raleigh reserves a certain number of spaces on each expedition for members of their youth development programme. Raleigh work with a number of charities who deal with vulnerable young people to help them turn their lives around. This is an important part of the program giving these children, who’ve had some pretty hard times, confidence, motivation, optimism, and a huge helping hand in their personal development.

2)Charity continues abroad...

It almost goes without saying that Raleigh do some amazing work to help poor communities in the countries they work with. Raleigh has full time staff in each of the countries, so they can really identify the needs and issues of the area, and work with local government and organisations to help makes things better. They have a fantastic rapport with the local communities and the difference they make last s a lifetime! You’re donation to me makes the good things happen, so surely that must be worthwhile?

3)Its all change for me

To make sure I’m as prepared as possible and do the best job I can, I’m going to have to really commit to this. This means getting fit so, the new year will be the start of me cutting out the wine (*sob*) and getting up early on Sunday mornings for long walks in the country (character building?) among other things. The preparation for me starts now so please help me keep focussed by supporting the cause! Surely the wine alone is enough reason to sponsor me?!

4)It feels nice?

As we fall deeper into some economic doom and gloom, you can almost hear a nation of purse strings tighten. This is the time when we all want to save some money, but while we’re all clawing back all the pennies I ask that if, you can, please spare a bit for Raleigh. Far from wanting to preach about giving to those less fortunate than ourselves, I just want to stress how much I do think this is a cause worth supporting in spite of current financial circumstances. It's the season of giving after all!

If any of these have struck a chord as real reasons to sponsor me, then you can do so by either clicking the widget on the top right of this page, or visiting Alternatively, if you’d rather do it directly to me then let me know and something can be arranged. You’ll even get added to my ‘role call of lovely supporters’ list :)

Thank you for reading!

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