Saturday, 11 April 2009

Money, money, money...

Y'see... the thing I've noticed most in the run up to all of this is how much I am thinking about money. It is constant. What I spend on injections, what I need for equipment, what I need for tickets, what I need to cover my rent while I'm away... blah, blah, blah it's NEVER ENDING! However, in all this financial trial and tribulation some good stuff as happened, as you will see from looking over to the right at my handy little gadget. I have managed to raise a fantastic £1,500.27p which goes straight to Raleigh and covers me for the trip - hurrah! 

To celebrate the end of this financial burden, and to start thinking about the trip properly as it's only 3 short months away now, I celebrated with some Borneo shopping. I get a lot of people asking me if I'm excited yet or not, and the truth is, not really! It's been on my mind for so long, and I've been preparing mentally, physically, financially for a while so I had kinda run out of steam thinking about it. Going out today to dedicate some time and money to the things I need, and imagining what I'll need them for, certainly stoked the embers of my excitement.

Want to see my purchases....

So, my big fear as some of you may have guessed is getting malaria or some other hideous tropical illness. Due to Malaysia's high humidity there are mosquitoes everywhere so I will be fending them off with plenty of repellent and one of these lovely things...

That's right, a mosquito headnet. If you yourself fancy a bit of widow chic, don't despair! You too can be the owner of one of these for a bargainous £8. Sexy, huh?

I also got some less ridiculous looking things. I treated myself to a pair of practical sunnies, i.e. not £5 from H&M as I will need to protect my eyes in the tropics....

 What a poser!

My lovely friend Christine treated me to a camping pillow as it will make a huge difference to my comfort levels and therefore overall mood for the time I'm away....

Not only is it nice and comfy, but it also colour co-ordinates wonderfully with my 'giant' trek towel, which folds up to the size of a A5 diary and is 6x lighter than a normal towel (ideal when you're carrying everything you have and space is an issue)...

It also has a map of the world on it in green in case I get lost - very handy.

All in all, a fairly exciting couple of days!

1 comment:

Chrisps said...

You missed out the foldy nature of the pillow! Glad to have helped get the ball rolling on your purchases. Wish I was going with you. Chrisps x